Chiropractic Treatments For Muscle Aches And Pains

Sore muscles can lead to accidents and injury as the muscles give out on you while moving or lifting. Your chiropractor offers a number of non-invasive techniques to reduce muscle pain and inflammation. Here are some of the ways a visit to the chiropractic clinic will keep your muscles healthy and ready when you need them most.

Active Release Technique (ART)

As muscles become tired, the fibers contract. This causes the muscle to tense up and become sore and stiff. The circulation in the muscle is reduced. Overuse of the muscle can create small tears in the fibers which increases the muscle tension and may create spasms. The goal of ART is to slowly stretch out muscle fibers, increase circulation, and decrease pain and inflammation.

The chiropractor will feel along the length of the sore muscle for areas where the muscle has contracted. The doctor will then massage the muscle along its length and in the direction where the muscle normally moves. This allows the muscle to relax.

Hard areas along the length of the muscle indicate scar tissue. The doctor will put more pressure on these areas to break up the scar tissue, which allows the adjoining muscle fibers to expand. This also increases circulation and reduces swelling in the area.

Myofascial Release Technique

When muscle fibers become severely exhausted, they will contract into a tight knot and may develop spasms. This technique allows your chiropractor to identify those areas and get the muscle fibers to relax. Once they find a knot in the muscle that is inflamed and spasming, they apply constant pressure to the knot with their knuckles, elbow or a special tool. The pressure eventually forces the muscle fibers to relax and stop the spasms. Once the muscle has responded to this technique, the doctor may use ART to further relax the entire muscle along its length.


Also called structural integration, this technique works on the connective tissue that surrounds the muscles. While useful on individual muscle groups, rolfing seeks to restore the balance of your body's musculature from head to toe. You will play a more active role in a rolfing session with your chiropractor.

The doctor will use their hands and arms to apply pressure to muscle groups while you take deep breaths, stretch or move those muscles. This not only relaxes tense, inflamed muscles, but also treats the muscles and soft tissues nearby affected by the exhausted muscle. The doctor will work with you as you lie on the treatment table, sit or stand, to place your muscles in their anatomically neutral positions.
