Three Health-Related New Years' Resolutions You Should Be Making

A large portion of New Years' resolutions have to do with health. Lose weight. Exercise more. Eat healthier. Unfortunately, most people that make these resolutions do not keep them. One of the reasons why is that the goals themselves are pretty vague. If you lose one pound, for instance, you technically met the goal of "lose weight," but you really didn't accomplish much. This year, why not toss those fluffy, meaningless New Years' resolutions aside, and instead make some that you can really stick to? These specific health resolutions are realistic, and at the end of the year, it will be easy to evaluate whether you met them or not.

See your chiropractor once per month.

Seeing your chiropractor regularly is one of the best things you can do for your health. Not only will it give you relief from joint and back pain, but it can also boost your immunity, alleviate symptoms of stress and tension, and  even help keep allergy symptoms at bay.

At the beginning of the year, make 12 appointments with your chiropractor – one for every month. Then, make it your priority to keep those appointments. If something else comes up that day, the chiropractic appointment takes precedence, and if you absolutely cannot make it to the appointment, you have to reschedule it.

Eat a green veggie every day.

So many diet-related goals are either too specific (eat carrots three times per week, broccoli twice per week, fish three times per week…) or too vague (eat more vegetables). This one falls perfectly in between. It gives you some wiggle room; you can have broccoli one day and spinach the next, or broccoli all week, and still meet the goal. Yet, it is also specific enough that you can't "cheat." Every day means every day. If you skip a day, you have not met the goal.

Eating more green vegetables offers so many benefits. These veggies reduce your risk of cancer and heart disease, protect you from osteoporosis, promote eye health, and even reduce the risk of stomach cancer. How's that for tackling many bases with one resolution?

Go to bed by X:00 five days a week.

Getting more sleep reduces your risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity. It can help fight chronic pain and improves your mood. Simply resolving to get more sleep, however, is too vague. Since most people struggle with getting enough sleep because they go to bed too late, resolving to get to bed by a specific time each night is a good strategy. Start with the time you need to get up in the morning. Then, count back eight hours. Resolve to go to bed by this time five days per week. Giving yourself a little wiggle room on the other days keeps this goal realistic. There are bound to be times when necessary functions and parties keep you out late. 
