5 Treatments A Chiropractor May Use For Lumbar Stenosis

Lumbar stenosis is a common condition that affects the spine in the lower back. Simply put, it means that your spine is narrowing. Some people have no symptoms, while others experience restricted movement and pain. A chiropractor specializing in treatments for lumbar stenosis can help to relieve your pain and restore mobility.

Chiropractors are well-equipped to diagnose, assess, and treat this condition with non-invasive techniques. Your chiropractor may use some of the following treatments at their chiropractic clinic.

1) Spinal Manipulation

Sometimes spinal stenosis is the result of a bulging disc or other spinal misalignments. In these situations, a chiropractor may use gentle spinal manipulation, also known as an adjustment, to address your issue. A chiropractic adjustment helps restore the spine's mobility and improve the function of the surrounding muscles and ligaments.

Some chiropractors perform manual adjustments, which means they gently move your spine using their hands. Other chiropractors prefer to adjust your spine with instruments, such as activators, for precise manipulation.

2) Spinal Decompression Therapy

Spinal decompression therapy is a non-surgical procedure that can help relieve pressure on your spine that is caused by lumbar stenosis. During spinal decompression, a chiropractor uses a specialized machine to gently stretch your spine from top to bottom. Decompression can be done on its own or before or after a chiropractic adjustment.

3) Cryotherapy

Cryotherapy, also known as ice therapy, helps relieve discomfort from lumbar stenosis. The ice helps reduce the inflammation in your lower back and decrease pain. To ensure the ice therapy is effective, a chiropractor may recommend applying an ice pack.

If you have a chronic case of lumbar stenosis rather than an acute flareup, your doctor may use heat instead. Heat helps relax tense muscles around the spine, which can result in pain relief.

4) Lumbar Spine Exercises

A chiropractor can help you create an exercise routine tailored specifically for lumbar stenosis. Your recommended exercises may include stretches, weight training, and core strengthening exercises. When performed correctly, regular exercise helps strengthen the muscles around the spine and improve your range of motion.

5) Electrical Stimulation

Have you ever seen the machines chiropractors use with electrodes and wires? These machines are called transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulators, or TENS units. Your chiropractor may use electrical stimulation to help relieve lumbar stenosis pain and promote healing in the affected area.

When it comes to lumbar stenosis treatment, there's no one-size-fits-all approach. The right treatments depend entirely on the severity of your injury and the plan recommended by your chiropractic clinic. For more information, contact a chiropractor near you.
